Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Put it out BUT keep it out

There are some conflicts in your life that are only still burning because you keep fanning the flames. Let the embers from the devils work die out or dash it again with water of God's word. When God has delivered you from something for a little while after it the enemy will offer the enticement to you to see if you still want it.
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burden again by a yoke of slavery. When a certain tactic of the enemy has worked so well and for so long he is hard pressed to give up that hold in your life. Be free and stay free. I myself have known some really smart and decent guys fall into the trap of getting in and out of the jail system. One of them told me one time jail punishes you but it doesn't rehabilitate you. You come out worse than you are because you have talked and learned from more harden criminals. As well now you have a criminal record and no one wants to give you a job. So you fall back into the trap of going back to as a means of making money the very thing that landed you in jail in the first place. It is a really sad cycle that so many people fall victim too. That is the same for some of us believers. I use to battle depression personally and privately for a long time. And some mornings for no particular reason the enemy will offer it to me as if it was a trip to Six Flags. Thank God those times are a rarity. Still it is during those times that I have to speak OUT LOUD OVER myself. Like David I have to tell my soul to bless the Lord and forget not his benefits. I have to speak it that I am yielded only to power of the Holy Ghost. Life and Death is in the POWER of your tongue. When you have like I have looked outside of yourself and right pass God for happiness then the enemy still taunts you with that If Only lie. You know the lie I am talking about. If only my marriage was better then for sure I would be happy. If only I made more money and could buy better clothes then for sure I would have more peace. If only I had a Benz and not a Buick then I know without a shadow of a doubt life would be amazing. Of course it more than OK to have petitions and requests to God for a better quality of life. But we can't make the blessings more IMPORTANT than the blesser. The truth is according to Matthew 5:45 To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. For the believer in Jesus Christ life is amazing in the warmth of summer and the coldness of the winter. 1 Samuel 2:7 The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and exalts. It is not what is OUTSIDE of us that causes of to have joy but the joy of the Lord (inside) is our strength. We have the power of the Holy Ghost on the inside of us. Don't let the devil burden you with those same lies again and again. If it is gone then it is to make room for the new. Trust God that it didn't happen to you but it happened for you. I decree again for you to stay free. God is has provided a way of escape for every temptation that tries and comes your way. In Jesus Name Be Blessed, Manie