Thursday, November 06, 2008

Make up your mind

Today make up your mind. Today make up your mind to believe and trust God. You need to make up your mind that it really doesn't matter about your natural circumstances. It doesn't matter who is against you and who isn't down with you. Make up your mind that you believe God is for you. We are stuck in this old way of living because we are stuck in the way we are believing. As long as there is no obstacles or opposition then we are our faith remains strong. It is the BIGGEST lie from the enemy to let what you believe be based on what you are feel. Make up your mind to get unstuck from what you see and what you feel and trust God. Be persistent in your pursuit of what God had already ordained for you. Job 22:28a You will succeed in whatever you choose to do. A lot of the time we get stuck because we are feeling what we have always felt and seeing what we have always seen. The truth is YOUR faith is going to work for you and propel you into what you have never had before in your life.
You know even within the body of Christ there are people that believe a lot of different things. Some believe women shouldn't preach. Others don't believe in the message of financial prosperity or supernatual healing. Others think positive biblical confession is much of baloney. Wow it hurt to even type that last statement. I have just this VERY instant decided that God's word is my FINAL and ONLY authority. I believe that I have a teachable spirit. Yet I will not debate God's written word or His rhema word to me. I won't try and convince others of the authenticity of God's call on my life. You need to make up your mind that neither will you.
You can't be EVERYTHING to everyone. You must with total devotion walk out the plans and assignments that God has for you but don't compromise or water it down in a way that suits other people.
Do you need to healed from a disease that runs in your family? Make up your mind that By His stripes you are Healed. Do NOT waver or falter in this truth.
Do you need to be free from poverty or lack today? Make up your mind that you are redeemed from the curse of the law and that God delights in the prosperity of His servants. Make your mind that wealth and riches belong in the house of the righteous. Make up your mind that God is a good God and He has your very very very best interests at heart. Make up your mind that God is never like people. He doesn't love like they do. He doesn't forgive like they do. He doesn't see you like they do. You are His creation. He loves and forgives you BEYOND anything humanly possible by others. He wants the BEST for you in a way you can never even imagine for yourself.
Make up your mind to love Him with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength. Make up your mind that you will trust Him and have no doubt in your heart. Make a decision to walk in love towards everyone and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Make up your mind to take charge of your emotions. Stop giving into the anger and blame . You have ONE enemy and he is defeated. Let go of the animosity and hostility towards other people because you wrestle not against flesh and blood. Don't be so sensitive and easily offended and on the opposite side of that same coin stop fronting like you are always the rock of Gibraltar and admit when you need someone to be there for you.
Make up your mind to stop living in regret then ask God to show you truth about your past mistakes that you can learn and grow from them.
Finally make up your mind to pray and intercede for the needs of your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, your state and this entire nation. Pray for other nations as well.
Please lift up to God in the name of Jesus the needs of others.
I am telling with full assurance in the power of the Holy Ghost that everything you are going through and have gone through was for the purpose of the kingdom. You are being used by God and this very instant this test and mess is TRULY to strengthen you. Make up your mind not to give up. Hang on in there! Decree renewal of strength and might over yourself. You are too close to your victory to cave in NOW.
In Jesus Name Be Blessed, Manie